Project Raamwerk | Year 2020,2021 |
With Raamwerk we developed and investigated the possibilities of weaving with metal yarn in specific techniques. With this gossamer material we created a delicate and transparent effect. Light, reflection and position playfully change the character of the textile. Like a window frame: at times it appears open and transparent, at other times it is smooth and closed. Both reflection and transparency allow for interaction and invite to take a closer look. |
This work is made in collaboration with TextielLab Tilburg and supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL |
Raamwerk at Object 2022
Light and shadow at the HAKA-gebouw
The sun slowly reveals the patterns
Interaction with the light and space
Reflection and transparency allow interaction, inviting to take a closer look.
Open structures intentionally provide insight into the weave construction and create a transparent effect. Visual cues that invite the observer to an attentive look.
Reflection and transparency allow interaction, inviting to take a closer look.
Reflection and transparency allow interaction, inviting to take a closer look.
Researching in the archive of the TextielMuseum
Testing the different bindings
Weaving on the machine in the TextielLab
Raamwerk at Object 2022 together with Ruben van der Scheer
Made by Envisions x Blickfänger for TextielMuseum Tilburg